I was recently brought into a client engagement where EpiServer was brought into scope because the client had a license to it and they were looking to add CMS capabilities to the work we were doing. I didn't know a whole lot about the product, so I hit the website to do some research. I also tried, unsuccessfully, to locate anyone with EpiServer expertise in our company. Then, … [Read more...]
I Am The Best Girl Scout In The World
My wife sent me a text: "The cookie orders are due tomorrow and we haven't sold any!" Normally, I take the order form to the office and drum up some sales there, but this year I had been traveling quite a bit. So, in a hail mary move, I sent an email to the office distribution list and hit up Facebook for orders. We ended up selling the most in the troop. As a result, I had to … [Read more...]
Weekly Wordle: Get Up (I Feel Like Being A) Sex Machine
Rendering of "Get On Up (I Feel Like Being A) Sex Machine" on wordle.net … [Read more...]
What could possibly go wrong?
Slashdot reported today that Microsoft is filing a patent to cover using "altered parasitic organisms" as a delivery mechanism for disease-fighting substances. It seems like a good idea... And there's no real potential for things to go horribly wrong, right? And Microsoft products always work so well... … [Read more...]
Taxonomy of Rap Names
I'm a sucker for data visualizations; especially ones that have a sense of humor. I found a pointer to a chart that presents a taxonomy of rap names. I find it funny that you need a nom de microphone to be a rapper, but I guess James Todd Smith or Calvin Broadus don't sound all that street. So have fun, get some background on the chart and check out the whole shebang over at … [Read more...]
Weekly Wordle: Safety Dance
This week's Weekly Wordle is based on Safety Dance by Men Without Hats. Create your own at Wordle.net. … [Read more...]
Dear Google,
Did I do something to offend you? I don't understand why you have rebuffed my Google Wave advances... I've been nothing but nice to you. I even had a friend try to hook me up with his invite and still you deny me.Tell me... What did I do? Come here, baby. Let me hold you. Is it because of my relationship with Apple? Oh come on, Google. That's not the same thing. I mean... … [Read more...]