A while ago, I got tired of fishing through my wallet for any of the myriad rewards program cards that I have. I also started leaving them at home to prevent my wallet from turning into a meatball in my pocket. That got me thinking: Wouldn't it be great to have just one card to carry around with you?I started sketching out architecture diagrams - a central repository where all … [Read more...]
Lao Tzu’s Hotkeys – Quicksilver
I recently installed Blacktree's Quicksilver for OSX on my MacBook. Those of you already using it are probably saying, "Yeah? What took you so long?" Now that I've had some time to play with it, I'm asking myself the same thing. Quicksilver is difficult to describe as an application, which is probably a good indication that Blacktree is on to something. It's basically a … [Read more...]